The night of the living boobs
Andrew de Koning
Chapter 1 – The boobening
Chauncey raced towards the front door, knives in hand. It was a dark night, halfway through febtember, and Chauncey hadn’t known a woman in the traditional sense for nearly a onemonth.
But that was about to change.
He got his boots on and headed for the boobmobile.
What. The. Crap. I love finding things like this on my computer because I never remember writing them. It gives me an insight into my dumb high school mind. I especially like how I wrote that last sentence and then apparently just got bored. Also, why the fuck did I decide to make the month febtember? Or why did I name him Chauncey? That's not even a sexy name! Why was his period of not being with a woman (in the traditional sense apparently) about to change? Give me some answers! I guess all that this really tells me is that I've been writing incomprehensable idiotic prose for a long time.