Wednesday, October 28, 2009

National Novel Writing Month

I've participated in the National Novel Writing Month (shortened to NaNoWriMo) for the past two years. Each year I failed miserably. The first year I had no good excuse to have failed considering I had nothing to do at the time. I felt pretty guilty about that. Last year my attempt was even worse and I nothing to do again because my university was on strike. Looking back on those two horrid failures has made me realize that I suck at starting things and sticking with them until the end. This needs to change if I'm to go anywhere or accomplish anything in life.

I realize that this blog has basically no readers but I've decided to post my novel on this blog as I write it. Hopefully I can keep up a steady habit of posting once a day. By posting it to here I am hoping that by putting out there for someone I will have more determination to keep going and reach the finish line. It will also keep this blog a little more active, which is also a good thing since I do not write nearly enough.

Wish me luck and if you're taking the challenge then I wish luck to you as well. Feel free to berate me ruthlessly if I begin to fall behind schedule. Sometimes people need a good yelling at.

Finally, if you've never heard of NaNoWriMo before and looking to get more information, here's the website.