Tuesday, June 10, 2008

They're Not Getting My Cumulative Upkeep Hamburger!

So, I recently decided to get back into Magic: The Gathering. Several years ago I used to play all the time with a bunch of friends every week as we tried to perfect our decks in preparation for our local Friday Night Magic. It was good times. Since a couple friends and I knew that the local hobby store where we got all our cards was going out of business and having a sale, we decided to burstle on over and get ourselves some sweet savings. It really brings back memories. We decided to each get five booster packs and have ourselves a small booster draft tournament. I tried playing a three coloured Green, White, Black deck with just a touch of Red. Some of it worked well but I didn't have enough land fetch to make red of any use at all and eventually lost. I think I might try to make this a regular thing again and maybe even try to go to another release tournament next time a new set comes out.

Oh wow, all this Magic talk is making want to play some Dungeons and Dragons. I know, I know, everybody envies my life. Maybe I'll write an adventure about a thief lord who stole all the booze from every tavern in the land and we need to get it back. Holy crap! I am amazing at ideas!

And since I know that my reader(s?) want some Killing time updates I can say that Keith and I recently came up with a sweet story arc for the future and it will be all kinds of awesome. But for now we just need to get issue one out.


Benjamin F. Nicholls said...

I walk down an alley. Does my character see the Pimp Lord?

Andrew said...

Yes, he walks towards you attacks you with his pimp hand plus one.

Keith said...

I pull ouy my dong plus 4.

All the ladies roll initiative.